The Director is on site approximately 75% during hours of operation and hours are posted on the Director white board/door. There is an open door policy unless there is a meeting in progress, in which notice will be posted. Discussions about your child’s progress are always welcomed. If the Director is participating with the children in the program, she is happy to answer quick questions or stop in the office to discuss questions, concerns, or suggestions. A need for a longer talk can take place in the comfortable surroundings of the office at a time convenient to you. Please call anytime for an appointment.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are held in October and May. We encourage you to sign up so that teachers can share your child’s portfolio and profile, and questions, concerns, and your goals for your child can be discussed. You’ll be given a pre-conference form to complete in advance. Please be assured that any assessment tools are used only by the teachers and are confidential as our staff non-disclosure policy states. You would also be asked to give permission in writing to release any information to other agencies or our consultants at any time.