Children are blessed at birth with an avid desire to learn about the world around them – a desire that, if nurtured, will lead to a lifetime love of learning. In planning our curriculum, we want each child to experience the success and joy that comes from finding answers to questions by exploring and discovering rather than by being told. In simple ways, if we as teachers convey a sense of wonder and delight in our world, children will respond the same way.
Projects, stories, music, dramatic play, field trips, and nature study are all planned to reflect the interests of young children. We prepare our program so that they can learn through active involvement with one another.
Our child-directed approach to learning allows each child to work at levels appropriate to his or her skills, interests, and needs. Our aim is to provide a nurturing atmosphere that encourages independence and builds a positive self-image. Finally, and possible most important, at the Child Center, we believe that children need time to be themselves – children.